Tuesday, October 5, 2010

ladies coach been monopolized by mens...

last Sunday i olls balik Semban nek train..huhu..as usual la kan..nak wat cane kan..huhu...Mr. Ir. Z anto smpi train station n waited tere with me pon da kire ok la kan..so, as usual..sejak menjak ade ladies coach nie, if i olls travel alone, mmg i olls nek ladies coach la kan..yeler..i olls lik mlm2...kol 11 lebey smpi sbn, so, mlm2 nie org len mcm sket..pandang mcm nak mkn org..so, Mr. Ir. Z mmg sh i olls nek ladies train..

tapikan..last Sunday mmg teruk sgt la..cant u imagine??90% of the passengers in tere was MEN!!!!seriously!!!i was like OMG!!!i olls salah masuk train ka??n guess wut??they monopolize the seat n we olls have to stand n watch they olls comfortably ddk..siap tido2 sume n put some of their bags lagik kat atas kusi tue!!haish!!!!tensie nye mak ok!!!!its just like me entering normal coach k!!!nape ntah..plus, pandang2 macam ape jeks..ngan muke berlagaks mcm HELLO!!!!!!u olls nie salah coach ok!!!!

the bad things is ble sampai KL Central still no 1 was tere to syoohhh them away..huh!!!me like..ehhh??wheres the police/guard so on???mlm la we need them to halau sume diorg tue dr dok kat ladies coach..yela, mcm me yg nak lik sbn nie kan..salu smpi Nilai jeks org da tggl bape ketoi jeks..xke haru..bahye wooooo!!!huhu..tp sgt xpuas atila last Sunday!!!haihs!!!luckily i olls da beli comic archie b4 nek train, so spnjng perjalanan i olls dok membace..tp smpt gakla lelap..hahaha :P so, mcm i olls xambik pusing ngan keadaaan sekeliling..lao tak tue mcm scary jeks tgk diorg nie pandang2..expecially yg B....A and I...N tue..huhuhu

so, pada mens out tere..pasan2 kan la gambo perempuan kat tngkap, dinding n pintu train tue eks???sumtimes they olls nie dok mengadap betol gambo tue..but they didnt care aw..adakah xleh membace??huhu..ke nak soh KTM kalerkan ladies coach tue smpi dlm pink..lao xsedo gaks diorg nie mmg taktaola nk ckp cemane..huhu :P

*nie kat lua jeks kan..kite cat dlm pon kaler pink jugak nk??*
