Thursday, January 27, 2011

KARA’s Goo Hara is searching for a new house!

Hara nak carik umah???meh sini kat Somban nie ha..kat Forest Heights nie ha...amek Forest Bayu 2 tue..jiran kite t...petang2 leh men basikal sesame..pastue nyanyi kek atas bukit tue...confirm Hara spekong noghori pasnie..kekekek :P

It was revealed that on January 22nd and 23rd, KARA’s Goo Hara had gone to Kangnam Nonhyun-dong to look for a new house.

On the 26th, a real estate agent expressed, ‘On the afternoon of the 22nd, Hara came with another person to look for a house. She called first before visiting personally. She looked for houses in Budongsan and the surrounding areas.

It seems that Hara will be living alone after moving out of her current residence in Haengdang-dong.

**thanks alkpop!!! :)
