kan i olls da ckp..sbb beday abg dekat2 ngan tarikh game kan (7 June)..so cm abg mmg wat abis2 san la..hehe :) (Mr. Ir. ckp abg da tua..huks..tsk tsk tsk..u..sile kasi tabik spring sket..abg ipar tue..awwww..hehe :P)..owh..smlm i olls giler citer dr ptg k..nak tdo awal sbb esknye nak kija kan..patutnye tido lagik awal..tp ibu n ayah kaco..(sbb tido dpn tv..i olls n adik bentang toto tido dpn tv..dahla dkat ngan tanga..seb bek tak jatuh ke bawah..huhu :P)..budget ingat minah tue tak tido..but i olls still kunci jamla kol 2..skali kol 2 tue tgk gelap jek..haish!!pengsan minah nie..huhu..mate xleyh bukak betol2..penat kasik tonyoh2..last2 lam kol 215 die stabil..haaaaaaa!!
mle2 mase kua beratur tue i olls cm terperanjat..nape ade no 13??kate Ballack injured..skali upenye org len pki jersey die..mst xbest kan sape2 jadik fan die kan..hoho..tp dulu pown Klose pnh jadik camtu kan..haaaaaaa..tue die org yg kite nak cite!!!!my lovely big bro!!Miroslav Klose!!!haish!!kinyut sgtttt la die..hehe..i olls ske tgk die men..synchronize jek kan ngan Podolski..Lahm pon okla..not bad for being da younger capt..hehe..sume kinyutla..yg penting diorg men slow but steady..xdela kelam kabut sgtt..xserabut pale..i loike!!sgttt ske game smlm.. :) sme cam tersusun jeks..(jgn nie jeks skali..pastue hancus..but i do put hope with Leow n others k!!!esp Klose!!!)
mase awal2 Klose nak wat try tue die xpat masuk die ngamoks giler!!!die jerit!!!hehe..jerit2 pon kinyut..lalala~* (hoh!!giler ko nie jujue.haha)..pastu chumeils jek Podolski score..patutnye Klose leyh score..tapi terlepas plaks..luckily Podolski ade kat blakang..hehe..but after that Klose pon score r!!!pe g..ngan tandukan maut yg kinyut die la kan..heeeeeeeee..xtergambar happy sengih bile tgk die score..hehe..di xwat somersault..yela..xlarat..huhu (didnt meant that he's old k!!)..pastu Mueller plaks masuk..i olls nak puji mamat baru umur 21 taon tue..Ozil camtu la name die..number 8..nampak sgttt die dahagakan goal (bkn len yeks..huhu :P)..die try banyak kali xpat..huhu..dunt worry dear!!u gonna make it!!pasnie try ag k!!!pastu Klose kua..biasela..Klose leyh men sampai satu tahap die kene kua..die xleyh full..masuk Cacau..i olls n adik mcm blur japs..sejak bile German ade player import black colour..huhu..but kitorg nye blurr xtahan lame sbb xbape lame Cacau masuk die score 1!!!haish!!!twus jadik 4-0..giler arh!!i olls cam tatao nak kelip mate ke pe..hahaha..giler besttt!!!(xsmpi 5 min kowt die masuk..giler2!!!hehe)
i olls ase cam game smlm sgttt menarik..tapikan cam ase kesian pon ade..cm referee more to German r (u olls pasan x??)..tapi nak wat cane kan..AUS men ganas..luckily Frings xmen kan..lao x tataola..huhu..cian Cahil kene red card..player sandaran AUS tue..huhu..
but overall sgttt best!!!!even player sme baru2 n mude2..but i like it!!they olls sgtt bertenaga n try to show up themselves..sme berlumbe2 nak jadik da best..i olls support kate2 coach Loew bile die ckp nak malukan team len ngan corak permainan bola sepak German..haish..u r the best la uncle..(uncle sbb mao Klose..keh keh keh)..ehh..u olls pasan x??player German mlm td rmi kinyut2!!terutame player baru masuk ganti Podolski..Marko Marin..hiks.. :P lalala~* asya ckp taste i olls sme camtue jek..serupe..cam Klose..hahaha :P (xpe..Mr. Ir dihati..hehe :))
ehh..pastu kan lao u olls pasan..Klose salu men smart jeks (baju tuck in) dr awal smpi abis..tp smlm pas half time da kua2 baju die dah..huhu..susah nak carik weyh!!!salu crik mane player plg smart jeks..hehehe :P
*Marko Marin..neu player yg kinyut..hehe..same cm Klose eks??name pon kan..Miroslav Klose..Marko Marin..hiks.. :P*
ehhh..arinie i olls xngantoks k!!tido kol 1030 mlm..pastu bangun kol 2..pas game bis kol 430 ingat nak tdo..xleyh r..huhu..twus iron bju sme..arinie siap awal..hehe..sbb sau kol 510 tue bgn twus mandi..nek bas pon mate terang..xleyh lelap..jalan dr station bas nak ke KPT pon mate terang..hahaha..masuk opis tatao nak watpe pagi2 sbb mate terang bkk lagu waka waka..nyanyi lapan ploh kali..excited weyh!!!!WAKA WAKA!! *GO GERMANY!!*
Sie sind die besten! liebe euch alle, besonders KLOSE! Wir
gonna make it! psst: Marin ist wie niedlich .. ..
KLOSE hiks .. :)
love u alls!!!!
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