suda abish da cite yg ditggu2 stiap arieeeee..waaaaaaaaaaa..sgtttttt sedey la last die..touching sgtttt!!!!i olls ske u!!!waaaaahhhhh..tue la Maya..dulu sape sh wat hal??kan da nyesal...but i do like the ending..shweeeetttt sgt!!!nmpak sgtttt Adam xpnh pk nak due kan Maya..sbb die tak pandang belakang pon mase nak lik tue..auuuwwwwww..i olls yg giler meroyan u!!hiks.. :P thumbs up to David Teo!!!len kali wat g cite camnie eks??? :) think u bette do cite la..not movie..kan mcm i'm not single xlayan nie BEST!!!!!!yg x best Mr. Z xtgk sbb die tido..pnt wat project..huhuhu.. (xpe..u still ehem2.. :P lalalalala) sile2 amik baldi..i olls tao da..heheheh :P
*shumeilssss!!!kiut!!!!lari pas geget kaki Dani..padan muke!!!*
*Mia Sara Nasuha..she's da 1 actually yg tarik penonton kan..hiks.. :)*
nak tao scene ape yg paling i olls ske??wawawawa...sgttttt k!!!mke da merah2 malu2 kucing aw tgk die..hihiks.. (Ske la tue..gedikssss la i olls kan. :P)
a very cheerful person as i lke to babbling around (Mr. Ir. Z love to call me mak nenek)..huhu..but once i stop talking, he'll started to miss dat sound back..haha :P feel blessed in his arms and hopefully it will last forever.. *wink* really into yellow!!!!!!!!! wanted to wear all in shockin yellow..its really cute!!!!............................. ssshhhh.. am thinking dat me myself kinda cute!!!! mwahahahaha :P its me!! :P lalalala~* XOXOX
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