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BREAKING NEWS : Israel attacks Gaza aid fleet !
Israeli forces have attacked a flotilla of aid-carrying ships a
iming to break the country's siege on Gaza.
More than 10 people were killed and dozens injured when troops intercepted the convoy of ships dubbed the Freedom Flotilla early on Monday, the Israeli military said.
The Israeli Army Radio had earlier said that up to 16 people
had been killed.
The flotilla was attacked in international waters, 65km off the Gaza coast.
Footage from the flotilla's lead vessel, the Mavi Marmara,
showed armed Israeli soldiers boarding the ship and helicopters flying overhead.
Al Jazeera's Jamal Elshayyal, on board the Mavi Marmara, said Israeli troops had used live ammunition during the operation.
The Israeli military said four soldiers had been wounded, two of them moderately, and claimed troops opened fire after "demonstrators onboard atta
cked the IDF Naval personnel with live fire and light weaponry including knives and clubs".
Free Gaza Movement, the organisers of the flotilla, however, said the troops opened fire as soon as they stormed the ships.
Israeli intervention
Earlier, the Israeli navy had contacted the captain of the Mavi Marmara, asking him to identify himself and say where the ship was headed.
Shortly after, two Israeli naval vessels had flanked the flotilla on either side, but at a distance.
Organisers of the flotilla carrying 10,000 tonnes of humanitarian aid then diverted their ships and slowed down to avoid a confrontation during the night.
They also issued all passengers life jackets and asked them to remain below deck.
Al Jazeera’s Ayman Mohyeldin, reporting from Jerusale
m, said the Israeli action was surprising.
"All the images being shown from the activists on board those ships show clearly that they were civilians and peaceful in nature, with medical supplies on board. So it will surprise many in the international community to learn what could have possibly l
ed to this type of confrontation," he said.
Meanwhile, Israeli police have been put on a heightened state of alert across the country to prevent any civil disturbances.
Condemnation has been quick to pour in after the Israeli action.
Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, officially declared a three-day state of mourning over Monday's deaths.
Thousands of Turkish protesters tried to storm the Israeli consulate in Istanbul soon after the news of the operation broke. The protesters shouted "Damn Israel" as police blocked them.
Thousands of Turkish protesters tried to storm the Israeli consulate in Istanbul soon after the news of the operation broke. The protesters shouted "Damn Israel" as police blocked them.
Turkey is also reported to have summoned the Israeli ambassador to lodge a protest.
"(The interception on the convoy) is unacceptable ... Israel will have to endure the consequences of this behaviour," the Turkish foreign ministry said in a statement.
Ismail Haniya, the Hamas leader in Gaza, has also dubbed
the Israeli action as "barbaric".
Hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists, including a Nobel laureate and several European legislators, were with the flotilla, aiming to reach Gaza in defiance of an Israeli embargo.
ut Israel had said it would not allow the flotilla to reach
the Gaza Strip and vowed to stop the six ships from reaching the coastal Palestinian territory.
The flotilla had set sail from a port in Cyprus on Sunday and aimed to reach Gaza by Monday morning.
Israel said the boats were embarking on "an act of provocation" against the Israeli military, rather than providing aid, and that it had issued warrants to prohibit their entrance to Gaza.
It asserted that the flotilla would be breaking international law by landing in Gaza, a claim the organisers rejected.
Source:Al Jazeera and agencies
kite kat Mesia sgtttt bersyukur sbb kite tergolong dlm kumpulan negara yg makin membangun+berteknologi dan berkepentingan..diorg takleh watpape pade kite..tapi i olls tao..diorg mmg geram jek ngan Mesia n diorg akan cube sedaye upaya nak rampas Mesia dr kite..lao kite tgk pon skunk nie kan ramai makhluk2 diorg yg dok merempat kat sini n musnahkan negara kite ngan dadahnye la, bunuhnye, pelacuran la n macam2 lagik jenayah..we olls plak sepatutnye makin bersatu ble tgk keadaan dunia mcm nie..tapi malangnye umat kite nie dok join plak ngan diorg nak musnahkan diri kite sendiri..hmmm..
kite pon bkan selamat sgttt sebnanye..kite sentiase terdedah ngan mcm2 kemungkinan..kite xtao kan..sekelip mate kite leyh jadik macam kat negara2 Islam yg ngah perang tue..hopefully takla..sbb tue ntok pengetahuan sme, i olls sgttttt takot pada askar2 yg pki baju celoreng2 tue n kete askar (kete kebal ke, truck ke..pape kaler ijau tue la..huhu)..as i olls raser mcm i olls xselamat sgttttt kat Mesia nie sampai diorg dok jalan2 pki baju camtue..macam kite tgk negara2 yg ngah perang tue..kan askar diorg jalan2 kat persekitaran camtue..huhu..n i olls leyh nanes awwww..huhu..yups..sgtttt malu..but i doooo sgtt tanak tao dunie skunk nie kucar kacir..perang sane sni..nape xleyh berbek jek same sndri???
pkla keluarge sendiri lao tanak pk org len pon..put urself in their shoes..ppl loose their parents, family, friends and neighborhood..nape masing2 xleyh bersatu n aman??
same2 la kite doakan umat Islam sedunia dan semoga ALLAH akan melaknat mereka2 yg meyokong kekejaman..dan xlupe AlFatihah buat para tentera yg gugur ntok mempertahankan maruah Umat Islam sedunia..