Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Nexttt~~~* buku RM6.90 je..

My Sister's Keeper dah habis..sedih wooo bace die..uhukk..dalam sakit sakit kepala tu layankan jugak nak bace..hehehehe..weekend tak dapat bace sebab asal balik je keluar, asal keluar je balik..ehhhh???hehehe..paham paham jela kan bile balik Seremban..kekekeke...tapi memang sodeh weyh!!!! T___________T tanak cite last sekali ape jadi tapi aci tak kalau cakap Anna mati..huuuuuuuu..dahla macam bukan sebab die bagi kidney to Kate atau ape..tapi sebab accident..die terus brain dead mase balik dari court lepas die menang....uwaaaaaaaa..sedih!!!!so, Campbell as die punye lawyer yang akan tolong die buat decision telah memkatakan dekat doctor mase doctor gitau die dah brain dead tue bahawa transferkanlah kidney die pada the end, Kate hidup while Anna mati..sedih!!!! T_______T sebab lepas tue semua ade memory dengan die...u olls carikla..bace tau...i olls suke Jodi Piccoult..still ade lagi balance RM50 for vaoucher tue nanti nak carik Jodi Piccoult lagik.. :) adoiii..tanak cite tapi dah cite..yapadaaaa!!!!

btw, currently am reading this!!!! :) 

RM6.90 sajorrr!!!! :) hehehee..harga sebenar RM43.90 tapi jadik RM6.90..puas la pergi kat counter Popular tanye sebab ade terms and condition applied tapi diorang cakap takde ape ape pon..memang harga RM6.90..ape lagik kan..hieee~~~* :P 

Donna Milner - After River

Growing up in the 1960s on a dairy fam in the mountains of British Columbia, Natalie Ward knew little of the outside world. But she had her family. A family so close and loving that Natalie believed they were the envy of the nearby town of Artwood - particularly her eldest brother Boyer, whom Natalie held especially close to her heart.

But Natalie began to question her family's idyllic existence the summer she turn fifteen.

The arrival of a soft-spoken stranger, an American draft-dodger called River, would test the morals and beliefs of the family and the community to breaking point. The series of events following that summer day would leave relationship shattered and the Ward family changed forever.

soooo, apekah secret tue???macam maybe mum die ade affair dengan River je kot sebab mase awal ade cakap macam River tu handsome..huhu..tungguuuuuuu yek!!!i olls pon baru bace suku..hihihi.. :P 
