Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sorang sorang itu selumber~~~*

so, esok bermulalah kehidupan saya yang harus independent mase kerja sebab my colleague will not be here..selalunya dia yang handle everything and he just give me order je..tapi sebab this sudden, dia kene balik Korea leaving us unprepared..huhuhuhu..

and tommorrow pulak the other staff kene pergi Klang punye branch sebab they are doing some training, its mean i'll be, please please esok yang cakap korea jangan call saya yeh..and pleasa also hopefully esok saye akan sihat...

sebab even saya demam pon i'm needed here..i have to be here..except kalau i olls passed out jelah..huhuuuhu..

so, malam nie kite beli makanan, makan ubat and tido cepat cepat..hopefully esok tak demam...

dulu kene tinggal sorang pon tak kisah sebab no barriers in communication, now ade barrier kat situ, so need to be prepared mentally and physically.. :)

aja aja fighting!!! : )
