phewwww...penatnyeeewwwwww!!!y??sebab sy kene tolak dat big letter M tue..huhu..btol ase sanggggaaaatttt malas tao nk update blog nieyh..huhu..dat was 1 thingy..pastu plax saye tatao nk cte life tho has nothin to share.. :P *malu sbnanye* huks.. :P nk cte story2 mory yg melibatkn perasaan pn malu gks..hoho..shy me.. *shomel kn??* ke ase nk tampo jek???hahaha..ampun kn sy cik kiah..ayok..kan da melalut2 tak tentu arah da..haha :P k2..back to da story..pastue kn..ble nk cte psl munge2 ati pn malu.. :P geli geleman tekak dngar..ase cm nk muntah jek pasan2 gadis mlayu ayu..wekkkkkk...huhu.. :P tp sebnanye npe perlu malu eks??ske ati aku-mak-bapak-laki-nenek-seblah-ayah-tiri aku la kn?? (yg pasan lelebey npe??mcm ade rmi bce blog nieyh..ley jek cte) so i can make it as ma diary..kan2.. ngeeeeee~~tp tak pandai ag r karang2 ayat nieyh..contohnye tgk ayt ats nieyh yg terabur..huhuk..kne panggey cekgu cekgi ajo lik macik sowg nieyh..perstly jgn melalot k!!huhu.. :P ntah..da sengal alam-ubi-kucing-beranak-ayam-kaki-lembu dah..i think its better for me to stop n start wif sumting neu..mayb sumting bout wut im missing rite now??hihik *blushing* piiiiirahhhhh...hoho
Happy birthday, dear me!
4 years ago
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