Monday, October 7, 2013


ini bukan name ella tapi name si jarum penyuntik~~~~*

huhu..baru kelam kabut nak inject kan??kesian saye..huhuhu..nak buat macam mane..puas i olls carik merata rata for this rubella injection tapi semua cakap takde aje dah..i olls check govt nye clinic sekali je and they said takdok..lepas tue tanye my membe which is a doc in govt clinic also dia cakap no more rubella injection dekat clinic, last last i olls call la KPJ, SALAM, MAWAR, Columbia Asia, NSCMH and etc la yang berkenaan dekat seremban tue..banyak banyak private hospital tue only KPJ n Columbia je ade..but the problem is KPJ kena jumpa doc..consultation doc je dah berapa kan??pokaila mak hencik!!!!!last last Columbia cakap nurse boleh, save duit!!!yeay!!!

sekalik sampai sampai Columbia cakap dah je 3 hari lepas call dah abis???confuse mak hencik kat situ..nak taknak pergi jela KPJ..sampai KPJ pulak dah tanye semua dia pergi check ade..tapi nak tgk IC dulu..ok la kan..sekali dia cakap "eeemmmm..cik nie islam kan??sebenarnya Rubella dah takde tapi MMR vaccine ade..tapikan ade gelatine" hoiiiii~~~* dah ngkao was was wa lagikla was was..kesimpulan balik tangan kosong nyanyi lagu kosong Najwa Latip sambil message membe i olls *padahalsenyumtaksakitkeneenjet* huhuhuhu..

last last my friend cakap clinic yang dia wat locum tu ado..ohoiiiiii Cik Ikin oiiii..awat tak habaq awai awai na???boleh p straighttttt ajo kat awok!!!hehehe..jadinye last week kite kenela pergi amik ini vaccine... T____________________T 

and vaccine yang i olls amik tue MRR (mumps, measles & Rubella) sebab dah tak produce lagik kot Rubella lagik..since i olls lahir 1986 kan..tak dapat menda alah tue kan so, kene la amik...and also sebab mase sekolah rendah darjah dua dulu i olls tak datang sekolah..esoknye cikgu saye tak kasik pergi amikkkk... T______________________T Cikgu Azizah name die..sian saye cikgu!!!penat carik Rubella nak kawen..huhuhuhu..

for those yang taktau ape Rubella and MRR vaccine tue i olls tepek jap sini eh...

MMR vaccine

MMR is a safe and effective combined vaccine that protects against three separate illnesses - measles, mumps and rubella (German measles) - in a single injection. The full course of MMR vaccination requires two doses.

Measles, mumps and rubella are very common, highly infectious, conditions that can have serious, potentially fatal, complications, including meningitis, swelling of the brain (encephalitis) and deafness.

They can also lead to complications in pregnancy that affect the unborn baby and can lead to miscarriage.

Since the MMR vaccine was introduced in 1988, it's rare for children in the UK to develop these serious conditions. However, outbreaks happen and cases of measles in particular have been rising in recent years, so it's important to make sure your children and yourself are up-to-date with MMR vaccination.

MMR vaccine for babies and pre-schoolers

MMR vaccine is given on the NHS as a single injection to babies as part of their routine vaccination schedule, usually within a month of their first birthday.

They will then have a second injection of the vaccine before starting school, usually between the ages of three and five.

The MMR vaccine can sometimes be given to babies from six months of age if they may have been exposed to the measles virus, or during a measles outbreak.

Babies under six months can't have the MMR vaccine because they don't respond to it well. However, they usually have some antibodies to measles already in their system, passed on from their mum at the time of birth, which may give them some protection for the first few months.

The MMR vaccine is given as a single injection into the muscle of the thigh or upper arm.

MMR for older children

Children of any age up to 18 who missed, or only partially completed, their earlier MMR vaccination, can have a 'catch-up' vaccination on the NHS.

If you know, or suspect, your child hasn't been fully immunised, arrange with your GP for them to have a catch-up MMR vaccination,

MMR for adults

The MMR vaccine can also be given on the NHS to certain adults who may need it including:
women planning pregnancy
people born between 1970 and 1979 and between 1980 and 1990

If you are a woman thinking about getting pregnant you may need MMR vaccination if you have low levels of rubella antibodies or you haven't had a rubella or MMR vaccination before.

People born between 1970 and 1979 who may have only been vaccinated against measles also need the MMR vaccine, as well as those born between 1980 and 1990 who may not be protected against mumps.

Check with your GP if you're not sure whether you've had rubella or MMR. If in doubt, go ahead and have the MMR vaccination, it won't harm you to have a second vaccination.

How the MMR vaccine works

The MMR vaccine contains weakened versions of live measles, mumps and rubella viruses.

The vaccine works by triggering the immune system to produce antibodies against measles, mumps and rubella.

If you or your child then comes into contact with one of the diseases, the immune system will recognise it and immediately produce the antibodies needed to fight it.

It's not possible for people who have recently had the vaccine to infect other people.

Single measles, mumps and rubella vaccines

Single vaccines are not available on the NHS in the UK because there is a risk that fewer children would receive all the necessary injections, increasing the levels of measles, mumps and rubella in the UK.

The delay in having six separate injections would also put more children at risk of developing the conditions, as well as increasing the amount of work and inconvenience for parents and those administering the vaccines. 

Side effects of MMR vaccine

As there are three separate vaccines within a single injection, different side effects can occur at different times. The side effects of the MMR vaccine are usually mild. It's important to remember that they're milder than the potential complications of measles, mumps and rubella.

Side effects include:
developing a mild form of measles that lasts for two to three days
developing a mild form of mumps that lasts for a day or two

In rare cases, a small rash of bruise-like spots may appear a number of weeks after the injection. See your GP if you notice this kind of rash, or if you have any concerns about your child's symptoms following the MMR.

nasib dapat member cucukkan..siap boleh request tanak kekuat and sesakit..tapi sakit sikeeeettttttt ar..huhuhu..lepas tue kebas..wakakaka..tapi sompek yo acik jenjalan Jusco and tengok wayang..hahahahaha...tapi kebas sungguh tangan lepas tue.. *malamtuesempatjogginglagi* hebak tak???hebak kan???kekekekeke..sape kate i olls cenggeng?? *jelingMrIrZ*


so, Rubella DONE!!!!!!

so, dah ketaq lutut~~~~**


Friday, October 4, 2013

Diary Kak Long 3 Suku Jujue

eeehhhhh...sakit pulak hati kite nie!!! *read: nada yana shamsudin* huhuhu..geram segeramnye la haiii~~~* der, wa baru mintak RM90 dah gigil nak bayar ke??nasib baik wa tak mintak RM200 tau..huhuhu..lain kali follow orang dekat dekat lagik eh??boleh kiss bumper orang..haishhhhh!!!!

tue la dia orang Melaysia nie..sukeeeeee sangat follow dekat dekat tau..yang follow i olls nie ca ya nun alip..jap lagik ape lagik bile kereta depan brek, kite brek maka die sudah kasik kiss la Polly wa..haishhhhh~~~* gangster mak limah pon keluar arhhh *flipshair* *pahadalperutkecut* wakakaka..terus macam weyh..cane nie???die pulak terus cong ceng ngan wa..hellooooo~~~* wa tatak faham maaaa!!!!dah la die lepas bump Polly terus bukak hood kereta...eeehhhhh..kereta wa patut lu tengok dulu ok!!!!

lepas i olls cakap my bumper jatuh..and lepas die cakap kereta die ade masalah gak..tapi i olls cakapla.. "u bump into me maaaa~~~* its not my fault"..huhuhu..terus die cakap ok ok la..u quote me the price first and later u tell me..haishhhh..banyak cekadak mentadak pulak ngko kannnn..lepas ambik telepon no die *Seplohdoploh kalli try call nak check betol tak no phone die* barula balik..tergendala orang nak pergi Mydin Subang hokayyy!!!!baru sedar ekzoz *betul ke eja???tulis omputih exhaust je leh??* wakakaka getar getar..macam dok dalam motobot pelarian indon datang Mesia je rasenye..terusla wa msg mamat tue ape lagik cakap wa punye exhaust something wrong..wa dah tau mussssttttiiii suda kasi bend punyela itu exhaust...

so, semalam wa pigi la carik area sini..opismate bawak area kayu ara..kenela ketok bumper i olls tu...ouchhhh!!!bumper Polly laaa..kang orang len marah kang sesuke hatiiiiii je ketok bumper i olls...hahaha :P siap rm50..lepas tue die cakap exhaust die takleh buat..kene pergi kedai exhaust..lepas welding kedai exhaust wa kena rm40 wa pon ape lagik msgla sama itu mamat..sekali die boleh cakap ehhhh..u done everything already eh???why not quote me first and later you repair???haaaaaa..manyak cerita la kan ngko!!!wa sayang kereta maaaa!!!!lu agak agak mao wa biar aje ke kereta wa gegar gegar nak tunggu lu agreee??haishhhhh..panas pulak hati kite!!!!walau Polly tue kaler ade tambahan itam itam n ceklat sikit tapi dalaman die bersih ok!!!!aicehhhhhh...hahaha..nak taknak lu kene bayar...tibe tibe la pulak tanye duduk mane..kerja mao masuk meminang ke??tapayahlaaaaa..wa suda ade bodyguard ok!!!!!!!

sekali siap nak suruh scan resit, ambik gambar email die..hoiiiii~~~* banyak cekadak mentadak mentadu ngkau nieeee..kalau dekat memang wa luku luku pala lu macam wa salu nak luku pale ongkorea boss wa nie...hahaha :P Mr Ir Z cakap ikot kan jela...sebab gune opis nye pon..dah siap semua boleh die cakap malam nanti baru checkkkk...hoishhh!!!!nak dapat duit balik pon macam hape!!!!

harinie die boleh wat ilekkkkkk lu je kan..tadi wa msg tanye dah tengok email belum die terus call cakap eh exhaust punye gambar u tak email me???basketballl la die nieeee kan..agak agak wa nak angkat keta tu pakai tangan seblah, seblah lagik pegang phone amik gambar kan???bernas la pale dieeeeee..hollolololololo~~~~* sekali die cakap 15/10 nie baru nak bayar..sebab die banyak komitmen...atoiiiiiii~~~* nasib baikla RM90 je..lao RM200??wa rase tahun depan kot die nak bayar..haishhhhh~~~* lepas tue wa pass kat Mr Ir Z..biar kasik die tengok siket ingat wa sorang sorang ka???wa punye bodyguard manyak besar ooooooo..perot pon besar... *opppssss...terkantoi pulak..hahaha* barula email me cakap dont worry..i'll pay u on 15/10...ngkau kang aku sunatkan nanti kalau tak bayar..siap laaaa~~~~*

begitula keadaan bile wa jadik gangster kejap 3 hari nie...gangster kah???kecut perot weyhhh!!!!hahahaha..

selepas kejadian..abaikan Polly punye kaler yang comel tue..huhuhu..putih memang macam tu..cer bayanglan tu salju..wakakaka

tamat sudah diari kisah Kak long~~~* 
