Thursday, May 13, 2010

~miROSlav Klose~

here let me introduce u..

my big bro!!!


cute kan??ade rupe mcm i olls sket2 kan..lalala


got da pic from google image but i edit it earlier..


*manchung nyew idung..lalala..i like da cute face..mcm bby kan??*
*Mr. Z jgn jeles aw..hiks*

*skemanye lolololo..hahaha*

*wif coach - Klinsmann*

*wauweeeee..da look yg wt org drools..huhu..i like da style of staring la..cute!!*

*mase rambut pendek nie..but in any ways..he still cute.. lalalala*
*beeee..he's cute jek..u len k.. :)*

*his wifey..sylvia..xchumeils kan?pasrah jek r..hohoho :P but they got cute lil twin!!sgtttttttttt..mse Mirek ngan boys die mcm abg n adik..hahahah*

kelas bahasa German:

Brother - Bruder
Wife - Frau (this can be refer to many thing - female teacher n so on)
Sister - Schwester
Grandma - Oma
Grandpa - Opa
Uncle - Onkel
Aunt - Tante
